News & Press Releases

Newday investerer i Tenix

Et viktig ledd i den grønne omstillingen er en raskt økende utbredelse av elektriske busser over hele Europa som igjen skaper behov for smarte og effektive teknologiløsninger. Saga Tenix er ledende innenfor smartbuss og ladeløsninger i Norge og Sverige. Tenix har nå hentet 10 millioner NOK i egenkapitalfinansiering fra Newday for å kommersialisere og videreutvikle […]

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Newdays flying start into 2023 - invests in the Norwegian based FinTech company Tidypay AS

– For us at Newday, Tidypay is a very exciting opportunity. Basically, the company has considerable commercial experience and expertise from the industry and a modern technical solution, but what appeals to us  is their business creativity, says Trond Stensrud CEO at Newday.

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We are entrepreneurs, employees and managers who have owned or worked in large and small companies in the past. So we know what it's all about, both on sunny and rainy days.